Saturday, July 5, 2008

2c: Gay Marriage

Contains a title using the format listed above.

2a: Same-sex marriage

Contains the sources you used with links to these sources.

Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities.

Same-sex marriage connects to my study of humanities because the issue has created a cultural war. It has become a battle between morals, religion and personal opinion. It become a part of our culture that exists whether or not we choose to take part in it. Especially now that same-sex marriage is legal in California, those of us who reside here will be effected by it.


I chose same-sex marriage. When I think of this choice I feel sad that something people cannot control is held against them living a happy life. I see a lot of judgment taking place and I hear a lot of derogatory comments being made toward gay people. I hear people discussing other people's lives as if it effects their hapiness.


My choice is about the fact that laws are made against people who were not born with the exact same sexual desires as the average person. My choice is about how some people do not have a choice on how they live their lives, particulary their private lives.


What led me to my choice is the fact that I have a friend who is gay, but would never come out because of the disapproval this person would receive from not only his own family, but a vast majority of the people around him. I feel this way because people continue to use the word "gay" and many others I won't mention in his presence. It makes me sad that such an amazing person can't express who he really is, comfortably.


I would like to know why some people are more accepting than others when it comes to same-sex marriage. I know that many religious beliefs have a lot to do with people not accepting same-sex marriage, but where did that begin and why? One thing I do know is that a lot of younger people adobt their parents' beliefs on sexual orientation, not to mention the pressure of "fitting in."

5. One thing you learned from one student.

I know that my answer to this question may not be exactly what was asked, but I wanted to bring up something I learned from several students. I have noticed that a lot of people are taking this class online to save money on gas. I started taking classes online for the same reason, and because I have to work, which is another thing I noticed I have in common with several students.

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