Sunday, July 13, 2008

4a: Group #1

Write the story title and author name.

The Big Valley
by Mark Arax

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph.

The Big Valley is Mark Arax's tale of his experience with culture in the Fresno and surrounding areas, influenced by what he had learned from his father and grandfather. The culture his ancestors had experienced was far different from the experiences he had and the experiences his kids were having. A point he made very clear was how many people were willing to sell the farmland since the things that made money long ago are not necessarily what sells now. After taking a journey to a farm-equipment show, Arax describes in further detail how if given the chance, a lot of people are willing to sell their heritage. Above all, Arax shares with the reader how he is still an "honest farmer," as opposed to a farmer who farms for money: "a grower."

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph?

"As another orchard gets plowed under out there, I plant another pomegranate or apricot
tree back here. I know it's futile, but my garden is now ample and year-round, and the dirt
under my nails is honest farm dirt" (26).

This was my favorite because of the symbolic point he made. No matter how much money is involved, the genuine joy of something will still remain. Although he did not agree with the building of several corporate buildings, which essentially depleted the history he had known, he was still able to find it in him to do what he loved: farm.

What did the reading make you think of?

The reading made me think of this one particular trip I took to San Diego. I remember seeing a Fresno sign and thinking about a friend of mine who went to college there. I had no clue what Fresno was like, but after reading about Arax's view on Fresno I realized that a lot of times the impression I get of places may not actually have much to do with its roots. I do not recall ever hearing anyone say anything close to what Arax described. This story was another reminder of how easy it is to get caught up in how we live now, instead of appreciating history as much as we should.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know?

I had no clue that Fresno was a fig-capital. In the very first paragraph of Arax's story, he makes it very clear exactly how much figs were a part of his growing up; "With one orchard stitched to the next, it was easy to lose your sense of geography and time" (17). I also did not know that Fresno was such a huge farming area in general.

Write the story title and author name.

Transients in Paradise
by Aimee Liu

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph.

Liu put into words her experience and struggles with the city she lives in: Hollywood. With several descriptions of what she sees in people and places within Hollywood, Liu creates a more genuine picture than most of us are used to hearing about Hollywood.

What was your favorite sentence or paragraph?

"I see buses carrying housekeepers from Crenshaw nudge the pick-ups of gardeners from Englewood, Range Rovers
driven by trophy wives cut off by Hondas bearing handicap placards" (31).

This quote shows the diverse classes even within places like Hollywood. It takes the presence and labor of less fortunate people to keep the reputation of Hollywood going. I like that Liu used such great detail to express this point.

What did the reading make you think of?

The reading made me think about how there are homeless people and less fortunate people everywhere, but it is easy to overlook. Especially is places like Hollywood, it is easy to make assumptions about what kinds of people are there. The fact that Hollywood is usually noticed for its wealth, but not the actual people who maintain the beauty of the area, or the people who do the "dirty work."

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know?

I learned that Hollywood is not exactly like I hear it is. When I visited there I do not remember noticing the things Liu noticed, but now it makes me want to go back and experience it in a different way.

Write the story title and author name.

Showing Off the Owens
by T. Jefferson Parker

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph.

Parker takes novelist Brian Wiprud to experience the Lower Owens River, one of his favorite places to go fishing. The way Parker had remembered it was not exactly how it was anymore. He appreciated the history for what it was and learned to appreciate the new qualities it had.

What was your favorite sentence or paragraph?

"Gradually the south end of the Owens River trickles into view. It isn't much to see at first and I bemoan again the Los
Angeles Department of Water and Power's theft of the Owens River water many decades ago for their thirsty city far to the
south. One of the families living there in Los Angeles and using that water was mine. The Owens was once a mighty river
that held mighty fish. Now it is not. However, DWP does keep parts of the reduced Owens open for anglers, so I choose
to be an optimist and tell myself that the river is half full" (38-39).

What did the reading make you think of?

The reading made me think about how sometimes in life things change, but we can either choose to dwell on how negatively they have changed, or continue to look at the good points that still exist. I loved that Parker still wanted to show off the Lower Owens River, regardless of how much the water had gone down.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know?

I did not realize how much power the Department of Water and Power had on rivers.

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